Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Village Voice Can Go Kiss My Ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, you just aren't going to believe it! And after all I have done for you, my darlings, slaving away here, this is the thanks we all get??? Yesterday, the Voice hits the stands with the article "I BLOG NY," profiling eighteen urban bloggers and their work. Well, Miss Julie Powell, understandably, has gotten bigger than that, so she was not mentioned. But, most criminally speaking, neither was moi, and all the work gets done here!!!!! I mean, what is wrong with these people? This is one of the best blogs out there--distinctive, gay, darlings, you better believe THAT, and covering and examining things believe me no one else would? Instead, they choose someone who writes something called "Queens Is Crap." Now, I may have my issues living in the borough, but someone should have told this blogger the old adage about not shitting where you eat. They could learn that from "Moonstruck," girls. And you, my girls, would already know that. But these poor bengihted souls.....

Do you think this will stop me? Are you kidding? I have already fired off a heated letter to the Voice; let those chips fall where they may! I will be vindicated and get the 15 minutes to which I am entitled. We are not through, my girls, and you better believe I will not abandon my babies!!!!!!!!!! But with the glaring omission of this blog, the Voice fails in the crecdibility realm; it has been going downhill steadily for years, but now it has hit ROCK BOTTOM. Gentlemen of the Voice---UP YOURS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Much talk yesterday of panties, so let me put in a word for freeze dried panties, which seek to preserve freshness. I learned about this from watching Sissy Spacek in Robert Altman's 1977 film, "Three Women," one of many reasons to see this screen gem. Leaving those panties overnight in the fridge will make you feel so cool and crisp in the morining, especially in the summertime, and the freshness will last all day, girls!!!! So remember to freeze dry those panties!!!!!

Last night I had dinner with Virginia! Darlings, we girls dished and dished!!!! The food at the Village bistro was excellent, the wine flowed, which meant I tumbled out of bed this morning, a la Lillian Roth!!!!!!!! Darlings, I am tellilng you. So I need to sign off and take a rest, but not before checking out "Silent Screams," the first nice, relaxing serial killer story that I am going to read in 2010!!!!!!!!!!!

And J.D. Salinger has died, lambs!!! Let the literary battles begin now!!!

Happy reading, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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