Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Girls, Just Get Up, Put On Those Fresh Panties, And Start The Day!!!!!!!!!!!!

Darlings, I know, I know--the alarm goes off, and you want to roll over and go "Uhhhhhhhhhh!" But you know you can't, girls, because while we may not make the same salary as Katie Couric or Amy Adams, we can do our best to be as pert and perky as these gals!!!! So just put your feet firmly on the floor, and tell yourself you are going to get up. Then make sure you have a fabulous cup of coffee, until you are so caffeinated you feel like Carol Lawrence!!!!!! Then you are ready for your intense beauty regimen and shower, after which you have to put on your warbrobe, darlings!!!! Now, the most important thing of all--make sure those panties are fresh, because no one can stand us girls in anything but fresh panties. I would not dream of walking out my door without them. And, believe me, I can tell just by looking who is wearing panties that aren't their freshest--cheapness come easily to such. And I am talking about panties, girls, not Depends!!! If that is what you need, then stay in and watch some June Allyson films on DVD!!!!!!!!!

Last night was simply a disaster, girls!! I schlep all the way downtown to the Waverly to meet my friend Doug (I should have sang "Frank Mills") but was completely thrown by our feature to see, "House," being sold out!!!! On a Tuesday night!!! With a script literally written by a child???? Are people that desperate for entertainment these days??? Is this what the economy has done to the cultural level of America. Ooops, sorry, it started long before THAT!!!!!!!!!! But, darlings, at least my panties were fresh!!!!!

Tonight I get to dine and dish with my friend Virginia, who is charm and graciousness itself.
She makes me look like an amateur, loves!!!!! Willl report back on how that goes. Meanwhile I am here, dressed in MY fresh panties and ready to start my day!!!! Have a fabulous one, loves,
amd remember toujour, toujour, l'amour!!!!!!!!!!!!

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