Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Darlings, You Had Better Believe There Are NO Clouds In MY Coffee!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, the first thing I want to tell you is IF Conan O'Brien walks I will take his spot! I am quite willing to assume the mantle alongside LENO and I will bring my own staff, and even do "Total Eclipse Of The Heart" live on National television!!!! An event for the AGES, darlings!!!!!!!!!

Tonight, we are doing our first Broadway excursion of 2010, "Time Stands Still," starring the fabulous Laura Linney, whom we just love seeing onstage. And in the historic Biltmore Theatre, the same stage where Shelley Plimpton--yes, darlings--sang "Frank Mills" in "HAIR." Wish I could sing it onstage in the revival.

And we have so many recipies gathered to cook this weekend, lambs, it looks like it will be a cooking filled weekend. Maybe permeated with lots of wine, so I can drink myself into a stupor.

Because we found out the cause of Monica's mysterious death--it was a blood clot she did not know she had. How could she, when she just thought it was an old dance injury. Because when you dance, darlings, injuries just flare up. You just ask Donna McKechnie about that, and she will tell you. Speaking of Donna, I believe she is in town this weekend, and you know who is going to make a trek and pay homage to her, in between shopping, cooking and all the hosptial visits I have to do. Girls, how do I do it? And I am hardly young, though my professional age is 24!!!!!

But get my NBC right away, girls, because if Conan walks, honey, I am ready!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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