Monday, January 11, 2010

Well. Girls, If We Have To Go To The Doctor, At Least We Can Go Looking Gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!

Darlings, what a day this has turned out to be. First I am up at 5am--yes, darlings, you would think I had a make-up call or had to be on the set--but no, it was just for an 8:30 appt with the endocrinologist for my annual thyroid exam!!!!! And things seemed to check out. But then I had to look forward to working till 8PM this evening, and then high tailing it out to Audrey's in Brooklyn Heights for the Book Group. I mean, darlings, I would not get home till 11 tonight; I might as well have been in front of the cameras all day!! And with this winter, and my skin!!!!

But--as it turend out--Audrey cancelled, due to illness, which pushes things back next week, which actually works out better for me. So I will not be home too late tonight, but enough time to have a bit with the Girls!!!!!

Good thing, because I have the theater on Wednesday and the Center on Thursday.

So I figured, at least I could look gorgeous for the doctor, and make myself feel good. So, lambs, I went dressed in my fairly new Tommy Helfiger sweater, which is so special, darlings, and it looks just FABULOUS on me!!!!!! I am sure you all look fabuloous, too!!!!

I am working hard, girls, to input fiction on here. I am working that short story I have been toiling on for so long, and someday I will announce its appearance, and won't you all be surprised.
Meanwhile, I will just keep chronicling my health and beauty tips, girls, not to mention this fabulous Broccoli Pasta recipie I was just sent. Darlings, this weekend, the kitchen will be OURS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kisses, loves!

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