Saturday, January 9, 2010

Darlings, How Could We NOT Relate To "The Young Victoria????"

Darlings, last night my cherub and I went to see this film, and let me tell you, girls, this Raving Queen from Queens just loved it. I mean, who wouldn't? Gorgeous gowns, lavish palace sets, walking up and down the stairs holding hands...I mean, lambs, it was just my like privilged Highland Park childhood on the North Side. That's right, darlings, the North Side. Make no mistake about THAT???? So what if the dialogue was clunky and the music score repetitive? With Emily Blunt giving a lovely performance, Rupert Friend looking hot, and all the sumptuousness, this is something for all us girls to just sit back and enjoy. It will make you want to visit the hair salon or fashion designer after you see it. Or at least have high tea!!!!!! And let me tell you, with what followed, it was a blessed relief to have seen this film.

What followed was that when I got home I had a phone message from Judy, the caregiver, on my terminally ill friend, David. Friday at work he collapsed, is back in the hospital, and, darlings, the cancer has spread to his lung and brains, which basically means toot toot, Tootsie, goodbye. But David is rallying as I would and Brooke Hayward. So I am going to visit him this eve, while he is still cognizant of people and places around him, though who knows for how long????

So let's hope David hangs on for awhile, but if it is time, so be it. Darlings, I am telling you, if my Afterlife does not resemble a VOGUE layout, with lots of books to read, well then, I might as well go back on earth and work for the government!!!! I mean, fat chance, darlings, what with me being a big, old, practicing homosexual!!!!!!!

Meanwhile, time to get going here! Stay tuned for further details, and perhaps this queen may--please God--see some results in 2010. But just one day at a time, like Bonnie Franklin, darlings, because that is all we can take!!!!!!

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