Friday, January 8, 2010

Girls, We Have Made It Through The First Week Of 2010, And Already We Are Longing For A Weekend Or A Holiday!!!!!!

Darlings, there is no other way to describe it; the week began with a stunner. Yesterday afternoon at work came an email informing us that Monica Mosely, who had been a dance professional since I started at my workplace back in 1981, was found dead in her apartment, apparently of medical rather than malevolent causes, which have not been determined yet. She was approximately 8-10 years older than moi, girls, which would have put her somewhere in her early to mid sixties. I am telling you, when it is your time, it is your time. She was supposed to be enroute to Paris instead of the Great Beyond, but Destiny had other plans for Monica. She will be missed, hardly a month went by she did not pass through working on various projects and I am sure keeping up with her dance, darlings. Just goes to show, girls, one day a t a time, like Bonnie Franklin said, and make the most of it!!!!

So today, what do we have to do? This, the doctor's, the new Amy Adams Movie--oh my God!!!!!!!!!--a meeting and movie with the cherub and dinner. And my father is supposed to fly back to Florida, much I am sure to his and my sister;s relief. Girls, 2010 is sure kicking offl with some improvement, though, no dental visits for awhile, so maybe I can catch up. I need a visit to Manducatis, wine, and of course a hot bod. I am still thinking about Stanley Tucci, though last night, after hearing about Baayork's new project, I dreamt of Charlotte D'Ambroise. I want to be Baayork's asst on "Flower Drum Song;" honey, can I do "Grant Avenue!!!!!!"

But speaking of avenues, girls, I better get going so I can cover all the terrain. The weekend is almost here, and we got through Jan 4, so let us be grateful, girls!!!!

Cheers to all, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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