Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Girls, In This Cold Weather, We Have To Do Our Best To Look Like Julie Christie!!!!!!!

Darlings, who could forget her in "Doctor Zhivago" as Lara? Back in the '60s, lambs, we all wanted to look like her, wear our hair like her. You can bet that during that shoot and from then on Miss Christie has taken damn good care of herself, for let me tell you, as the grandmother in "Finding Neverland," she is the best damn looking grandma I have ever seen. So you had better believe that she moisturizes every morning, especially on these cold winter ones. So I am telling you, girls, you had better too, else you do not stand a chance. And guard your body with hot Cream Of Wheat, especially if you want your body to STAY hot, which it has to, girls, if you are ever going to get another HOT body!!!!!! As for me, it is a hot BODY I need, not a hot TODDY, though guess what I end up getting more of?

Well, today the Holiday Season officially says good-bye, what with January 6, the Epiphany, now upon us. I am telling you, girls, before you know it 2010 will just sail right by. OK with me.
But not before Friday when the new Amy Adams film opens, where she will be SO stunning no one will care a bit about the film. And Amy in that green dress, OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If Peter Jackson thinks the Afterlife looks like 60s pop album covers he is full of it! I can tell you what MINE is going to look like. It is going to be a VOGUE fashion layout, darling, with lots of bookshelves. Now that is MY idea of the Afterlife!

Another idea would be to go on a date with Stanely Tucci. He's available, he's hot, wouldn't we love to have his body next to ours, girls, and he is a FABULOUS cook! Who could ask for more?

So, girls, have a fabulous Epiphany, and remembeer the holidays will be back before it seems we blink an eye!

Blink this, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!

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