Monday, February 22, 2010

Darlings, Be The Wind, Be The Seas, Be Whatever You Please, But Just BE HERE On Sunday Night!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, now you know, judging how I am now quoting ersataz Seventies song lyrics that I am badly in need of a man. Not that I didn't see any over the weekend, mind you, and they are REAL sweet, but let's face it, none of us, myself included girls, would make through the audition process for a Titan Media film!!!!!

But Saturday night in Bloomfield was a little bit of Heaven on Earth. I am telling you, loves, the scenic PATH ride out to Newark, making its way pass the marshes, and stopping in Harrison, made me yearn to live by those train tracks. Maybe I could hook up with a nice engineeer. Of course that night we dined at--where else?--the fabulous Nevada Diner, which is THE hot spot in Bloomfield, and where people from all over the world come, some from even as far away as New Yokr City, ie; yours truly. Which is another world, next to Bloomfield, believe me!!!!

I DO have to say, loves that the Nevada needs a bit to get their act together, because in their glory days before the Renovation, the service was Top Notch. I mean, just like at the Cafe Carlyle, darlings, and you know I know all about THAT. Now, admittedly, they were swamped on Saturday, but that was NO EXCUSE not to give us bread with our meal, and the same with the lack of grated cheese on atop the salad with the raspberry dressing. I am telling you, it was the grated cheese extra that put the Nevada on the map!!! And no matter how cute Boris, or Dimitri, or whatever the head waiter's name is may be, if these things are not attended to, despite all the green and neon lighting, it could very well knock the Nevada off the map! Which we don't want to happen, darlings, because where would Bloomfield be without it??? Not even Upper Montclair can boast of such a glory place as the Nevada.

Nevertheless the meal and company were scrumtious, and of course us girls went back to Joe's for cake and cofee, the latter made by me in true Dorothy McGuire fashion!!!!! Girls, Jioe's cake was so cute and tasty, with layers of chocolate and custard. The only thing tastier might have been Stanely Tucci, if he had arrived, which, darlings there would have been the biggest bitchfight over who gets to sit next to HIM and take care of HIM with cake and coffee and.....AHEM!!!!!!!!!

But Joe had a Happy Birthday celebration, and honey, you should see his decoration scheme--it crosses Diana Vreeland with Truman Capote!!!! Joe's red pajamas with little patterns on them were so CUTE and made him look CUTE!!!! And the living room in red, with the dark lighting and nodding snowman, with the Christmas lights still aglow outside, my God, it was worthy of a David Lynch film. One expected Dennis Hopper, Isabella Rossellini, or Dean Stockwell to walk out any second!!!!! In spite of it all, some of us were tired, and then Tom drove me back to Newark Penn Station, where THIS Cinderella, minus a Prince, of course, got home after midnight.

Alas, yesterday was a different story. I had to show up at my friend David's apt (David is recentely deceased) and it was my first time there since his passing. Always a tough one, darlings. But I came away with some touching memementos plus something practical--the most FABULOUS set of drinking glasses, decorated in Saturday Evening Post covers. I should get some wine and celebrate, but now that I have eaten all the Italilan Chicken Stew, the next thing on the cutting board if Beef Bourgenon!!!!! Darlings, it will taste so good, it might just drive our beloved pregnant Amy Adams into labor!!! Hell, it might drive ME into labor, girls, and I am not even preganant; I am just a big menopausal BITCH!!!!!!!!!

I anm telling you, lambs, after the weekend I had, I should take the day off! But I have to work till 8, then meet Harvey at the world famous Malibu, where the Elite meet to eat, to discuss the day. Darlings, by then I will be ready for the night cream and a pilllow!!!!!

Make sure there is night cream in your cabinets, loves!!!!!!!!! The week is on, and we are off and running!!!!!!!

Ciao, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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