Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Darlings, We Are On The Aisle Tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Off to the the theater this evening, girls, to see the new Martin McDonagh play "A Beheading In Spokane," starring the quirkiest and wonderful of actors, Mr. Christopher Walken. And that is behanding, not beheading, dears. Hope he does not lose his HELPING hand, because, girls, where we would be without it? Especially those of us like moi, who haven't a husband????? But who knows; maybe Mr. Walken will dance a jig and McDonagh will tone down his dark sensibility. We are not expecting Jane Austen, but it should be fun. And I am going with a very lovely and charming gentleman, who, if he were not spoken for already, I would make a play for. But I will be good tonight, darlings; I am NO homewrecker.

Just for the record, to show that I am certainly not as misogynistic as one might think, I would like to catalog a resentment featuring a MAN. The man in question is one Michael Karol, who was two years ahead of me in high school. Each spring, back then, our drama program would have a Drama Torunament--an evening of short four one-act plays, or plays trimmed to one act, directed by students. Mr. Karol, in his senior year in 1971, was chosen to direct my sophomor class in the play "Feiffer's People," a collection of vignettes by Jules Feiffer. Of course I showed up for the auditions, and as I scouted the room, it was pretty obvious who was going to get cast before anyone opened their mouth--and that did NOT include me. But that was not the issue; I got my turn. and when I began reading the script, Karol reprimanded me overtly, in a manner remniscent of the aforementioned Katina Mataras, demanding, "Would you lower your voice, please?" because my voice was changing and I guess he could not stand it. I complied, finished the reading and was thanked. I took my seat and watched as the others auditioned; what he could have not known was for me this was both a social activity, seeing who got cast, and a theatrical one, observing the audition process, which I was interested in. I cannot blame him for not knowing all this. BUT there was no need for him to suddenly turn around look at me, and yell out dismissively, in front of all the others. "You can just GO. You are dismissed," as if I were not worth anything. Obviously, I was not going to be cast, and I guess I was partially hurt from that, but I was more hurt by his callous dismissial; I had the right to sit there and stay and watch the others. I made that clear by folding my hands and saying, "Thank you, but I am staying." I did, and that was that.

Well, fuck you, Mr. Michael Karol. You would be about 57 years out by now, and since you were not great looking then, you must be fairly decrepit now, holed in some suburban enclave where you do nothing with your life, acting like you have accomplished something, when in fact you have not. I hope this gets back to you, bitch. Of course, the thing to remember with these people is that while YOU remember THEM, they NEVER REMEMBER YOU!!!! Mike would probably deny all involvement in this if confronted today. I would like to confront him with a tax audit to get even, and if I had gone that professional path, believe me, I just might, being such a bitch, at times. But I just wanted to show, loves, that not all my resentments involve women, and women don't hold the premium on being abusive. So suffer wherever you are, Mr. Michael Karol, and know that you have been exposed for the fraud you are here!!!!!!!

My, that felt good, girls. Almost as good as my return to Yoga this morning, which I am doing for my back, and going to a class tomorrow; it is time to get physical, even if we will never dance like Donna McKechnie, we can be the best we can!!!!!! So that is my message to you today, girls, be the best you can be, and screw all the Michael Karols in your lives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

See you on the aisle, tonight, loves, with a full report tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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