Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Girls, Sometimes In The Morning, The Body Does NOT Want To Stretch!!!!!!!!!!!!

Darlings, I am telling you, with encroaching age, it is amazing how the muscles can atrophy during sleep, and what it takes to undo all that, especially if you are not Donna McKechnie, no matter how much you may have wanted to be. Of course, if we were Donna, girls, there would be no problem, but for those of us who are not we have to stretch, and boy does that take some!!!!!!!

Last night was a pefectly nasty night, both literally, with the weather, and onstage, with the new Martin McDonagh play "A Behanding In Spokane." It was sick and twisted, so, to a certain extent, I LOVED IT!!!!!!!! And Christopher Walken did his usual Christopher Walken thing, which no one else can do like Christopher Walken, so this sick, twisted character fit him like a hand glove. If only that had been true of the lone femmme role, played by Zoe Kazan, granddaughter of famed Elia. Honey, you would never know it, judging from her work up there. I kept thinking how ten years ago Martha Plimpton would have aced this part more skillfully, and watching Zoe, who has a voice that is like listening to chalk grate on a blackboard was excruciating. The only thing worse would have been to have she and Harvey Fierstein, with HIS voice, sharing that stage for an evening--that might have sent me out of the theater screaming. But the story was short, compelling, the language creative, and Mr. McDonagh does seem to have an almost unhealthy fascination with children being murdered. Just imagine if he had done the screenplay or directed "The Lovely Bones"--it MIGHT have been a GOOD movie!!!!!!!!

But I am sure those of you out there are saying I am just being a bitch again, and maybe I am, but if you saw what a mess was made of "The Lovely Bones" despite brilliant work by Miss Ronan and Mr. Tucci, you would bitch, too.

No resentments to catalog today, girls, so I guess the Baby Jane influence is further wearing off. Tonight we have a gala celebration honoring our retired coworker Alan, and it should prove to be a star studded event, and this celebrity chronicler, darlings, promises to report on it all tomorrow. So in the meantime, have yourselves a cup of chamomille tea, sit back, and enjoy the day!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love to all my girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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