Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Darlings, Sometimes It Takes Serial Killers And Death To Bring You Back From Being A 'Baby Jane' Bitch!!!!!!!!!

Girls, I haven't been on here in awhile, you must have been famished, my darlings for news. Well, I have plenty.

Top story is that Saturday eve I found that my friend David lost his year long battle with cancer. Interestingly for me, loves, he died on the morning of February 11--which is the date, back in 1858, that Bernadette Soubirous--Bernadette, not Jennifer Jones, loves!--had her initial vision. So I am convinced that Bernadettte and Jennifer came to take David--and that Mary Martin was waiting for him on the other side, for reasons that will be known only to David and now myself.

Still, we kept busy darlings--that Italian chicken stew is stretching for miles, and so is the wine, proof postive I am NOT an alcoholic, girls! Though with all I have lived through it is a wonder that I am NOT. We have seen so far two out of the three films of the Red Riding Trilogy--England and serial killers, oh boy!--and they are something!!!! I cannot wait to see Part 3 and read the books!!!!!!!!!

Tonight I am meeting with Donna my tax person to get the papers. Then maybe by the weekend I can mail them out, which means I will not have to think about such things untill the start of 2011, if I am here. Fine with me, as I would rather NOT think about it at all!!!!!!

And didn't I have two of the strangest dreams over the weekend, loves!!!!!
The first had to do with past resentments, which harkened back to my recent viewing of 'Baby Jane'.'

The second involved my friend, Mark, whom, let me say right out, I am not interested in romantically. In the dream, I was over at his house and in his bed, wrapped glamorously in sheets, ala "Les Liasons Dangereuses." It is my dream, darlings, so of course I should look glamorous!!!! Mark was dressed in nothing but a pair of pink panties, and with us was his cat Noreen and a pink poodle. The poodle was tearing at Mark's panties with its teeth, girls, and Mark was all over me, hitting on me and begging me to finger Noreen's clit!!!!!! I mean, ME, finger a pussy's pussy! Whereupon I turned Mark over and slapped him silly, turned his cheeks beet red. Then I rammed him up against the wall, and with my hands bracing it, shoved my engorged member into his mouth. I am muttering the most vile imprecations, ordering him to service me or ELSE, which he enjoyed, and of course I erupted. Then I pulled out and slapped him silly, with my still enogroged member. When I awoke, you had better believe I was engorged and took things well in hand.
Oh, also during the dream, I pulled the poodle off Mark, took the panties out of the poodle's mouth, stuffed them into Mark's and threw the poodle through the window.

The 'Baby Jane' dream was like an outake from the "Boy Crazy" episode of "Cold Case," where I was in a hospital gown in some sexual orientation conversion program, which was trying to make me straight--ARE YOU KIDDING? In the dream this guy in a military getup was ordering me to lick a dirty plate clean, drink beer, and wipe it on my sleeve. I threw the beer and plate at him and told him to drink his own piss, which sympbolizes my contempt for ALL authority, especially pigs like Grotesque Creature, whom I may have to sit in on with tomorrow. In that case, she ought to have something jammed down her gullet and CHOKE ON IT, bitch!!!!!!!!

Guess there is still a wee bit of Baby Jane left in me. Oh, well, it is early in the week, and maybe my member will get some kind of satisfaction? Who knows, loves?

Hows's that, after a dry spell, girls????????????????????????

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