Thursday, February 11, 2010

Darlings, We Looked SO FABULOUS Yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! our beige peigenoirs, as we curled on our divans, sipping cups of coccoa and coffee, reading Wilkie Collins with the wind howling and the snow racing outside!
Girls, every Wednesday should be like this, because right now we are so rested and perky we would exhaust even Amy Adams. But just in time for tonight, lambs--for this is the eve of the 'Baby Jane' screening at Chelsea with Hedda! Who knows, maybe a husband is waiting! You can be sure I will report to all my girls tomorrow on what went on there tonight. And it will be such fun to see that film on the screen--we haven't in awhile, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just to keep things in perspective, do you know that today is the 152nd anniversary of the apparition of Our Lady of Lourdes to Bernadette? Not Jennifer Jones, dolls, I am talking about the REAL Bernadette. And it happened on a Thursday, too, which means 2010 is opeating on the same calendar system as 1858!!! Where else but this blog, dears, would you learn such FACTS?????? This is why I am so needed, and why you need me. And I will keep trying to satisfy those needs, my pets!!! Now if only someone would satisfy mine!

Oh, well, we have 'Baby Jane' tonight, a 20 year anniversary engagement tomorrow, which I will report on, and still some of that fabulous stew left at home. Stay warm, darlings, are remember to cuddle up to your respecitve cash registers, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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