Thursday, February 25, 2010

Girls, Today Is An Anniversary Of Sorts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Darlings, I could not let this day go by without noting that 42 years ago, on this day back in 1968, I saw "Gone With The Wind" for the first time. It was at the renowned Clairidgge Theatre in Montclair, New Jersey, and the viewing dazzled me with its epic scope, Vivien Leigh as Scarlett teaching me how to survive life, and the most faithful adaptation of a book read my 13 year old self had seen. And after all these years I still turn up for GWTW if it is in a theater, because that is where it BELONGS, darling, forgot that goddmn Blu-Ray or whatever else hell High Definition crap nonsense. Accept no imitation screenings when it comes to viewing this film.

To think, I was in 7th grade then and at the height of my adolescent angt. Who would think I would last 42 years to tell about it. But I have, darlings, becaue I am FABULOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!

So the next time someone sugests veiwing GWTW you remember girls--only ON SCREEN!!!!!!!

Or, so help me, I will bitch slap you with my panties!!!!!!!!!!!!

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