Saturday, February 27, 2010

Honey, When You Live In New York, You Live With Rats!!!!!!!!!

.........And, girls, I am not just talking about the two legged kind we sometimes get mixed up with on dates. No, I am talking about the four footed, furry and toothy ones, a la "Willard."

Last night, darlings, Audrey had her fabulous game night at her palatial Brooklyn terraced pensione. We had a charming group, and played "Balderdash." The pasta pesto was exquisite, and so was this goat cheese thing, and the drinks flowed.
By the time we left it was midnight, and this Cinderella had NO coach and no Prince to take him home. So while waiting at the #4 train station at Union Square, I saw this big old New York rat running across the tracks. Now, as rats go, I have to say it was respectable enough, and it didn't bother me at all. I mean, it was better behaved, actually, than some of those aforementioned dates!!!!!!

But it got me thinking--has city living progressed beyond Dickens' time, when you think about it. I maintain there are just as many rats around as there were then; the only difference is with indoor plumbing and things being flushed down instead of tossed onto dung heaps and such, they are not as visible! I am telling you, girls, Anna Wintour may rule the fashion world, but when it comes to durability the rats and roaches may give even Anna a run for her money. Though if you live here long enough, you hear Anna is a bit of a rat, herself!!!!!!!!!!!

Of course seeing a rat is better than being MARRIED to one! And how about this--coming out of the subway at Christopher Street last eve, I saw an ad for a new reality show called "Second Chance", the premise being--"What if the one that got away came back to you?", the theory being that first love gets a Second Chance. Honey, are you kidding? You think I want to go back to ANY of my exes?????? The only thing I want to do with them is toss a lump of coal on their graves!!!!!!!

But we must try and be cheerful, darling, as February comes to a close and we anxioulsy await Le Sacre Du Printemps. Make sure everything you do is sacre, girls!!!!!!!!!

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