Thursday, February 4, 2010

Girls, You Are Not Going To Believe This!!!!!!!

Darlings, I just took one of those cute little magazine quizzes. This one was from TimeOut New York in relation to Valentine's Day--isn't it interesting how the acronym for that holiday is VD, girls???--and it is entitled "Should You Be Single?" Well, basically I think these things are a crock anyway, so I hunkered down and answered the questions, expecting to hear I should be content with my spinsterhood. At first I was happy, because my results said I should "Grab the first schmuck you find, and get married!" Now, let me tell you, that sounds like my last several attempts at relationships, and we all saw how those went!!!! It has to be a schmuck that I want, and who wants me--I just don't grab folks off the streets, despite what my detractors might say. I mean, with the acme behavior of Miss Porter's????

But wait, there is more. There is a little expanation after the verdict that says, "Because you cannot handle NYC alone."

Excuse me, lambs??? I mean, just what is this blog about??? It is about living the single life in NYC. I have been handling New York, alone, darlings, since I was a child; I mean, I could have played the Jodie Foster role in "Taxi Driver" for heaven's sake!!!!! It just goes to show how these quizzes are a bunch of crock, and while I would like a romantic candlelit dinner with wine and someone on VD day, it looks like I will be stuck cooking for moi and watching--what else?--"Fatal Attraction???" Darlings, when do I get the husband and the house in Great Neck????
Be careful what you wish for, they say??? Well, let me tell you, how do you know what to be careful what you wish for, unless you have the expereince of trying out in terms of getting it????? Huh, girls?????? But let's not be a bitch about it!!!!!

Hope you all had cake and champagne after celebrating Blythe's Day!!! Girls, if we our by ourselves on VDay, let us save some champagne, pour it all over ourselves, and tell us that "We are FABULOUS!"

Assert yourselves, girls!!!!

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