Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Happy Birthday, Blythe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, darlings, it is Blythe Danner's birthday today, so let's all have some tea, with cakes and dainties to celebrate this acme of class and glamour. Girls, we should all look as good at 67 as Blythe!!!!!!!!!!

I was such a bitch yesterday, darlings, but sometimes you just have to be. I just got horrible word from my friend Doug that come May 5 he will be out of a job. His hotel is closing down, and I just cannot believe it. Now you know darlings why I am hoping this, and thanks to all my faithful readers out there will propel me into a book and movie deal, so I buy a place back in quiet Bay Ridge, live a life of less stress, and write and get paid for it, lambs!!!!! Who knows if this will transpire, but as I have said I am NOT about to give up now. And you better believe I want Amy Adams to play me--she can do anything, even play a gay man. Hell, it would be easier than playing a straight one!!!!!!

So like I said, no hubby on the horizon, no fame, but we just keep pluggin' along, like "Ol' Man River" in the song. Girls, sometimes this queen feels like OL' Man River.

You will never believe this, girls! My father-in FLA, darlings!--gets sent a note to ME pertaining to some high school reunion. Can you believe that. And we are not even due for one till 2013. The idea is to combine four classes--hell, I knew so few in those other classes, who the hell would I know there? And if any of you think I would meet a husband there, you are full of it!! ME, marry someone who grew up in the town I came to despise, because it would not accept me. That is like a masochist asking for a sadist, and that is NOT ME!!!!

I just cannot get the words to "Maxwell's Silver Hammer" out of my head this morning--"Bang! Bang! Maxwell's Silver Hammer came down on her head/Bang! Bang! Maxwell's Silver Hammer" made sure she was dead!" You all know who I mean, girls--and not just that evil bitch Charlotte Bayes!!!!!!!

But the mood is celebratory, loves, in honor of Blythe, who is still stunning enough to play Truly Scrumptious in "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang." So have some cakes and dainties in honor of Blythe, loves!!!!!!!

Love you all, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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