Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Girls, It Is Time To Bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

.........And bitch! And bitch! And there is a lot to bitch about, let me tell you. First off, that cute little rodent, the Groundhog, saw his damn shadow, which means we get six more weeks of winter. Too bad the Groundhog didn't do what he did in the past, that is up and bite Mayor Bloomberg somewhere where it will do the most good--like ripping his tongue or vocal cords out!!!!!! Now, do any of you girls on here believe this lovely folk legend about the Groundhog and his shadow? I mean, it is charming, but show me someone who believes this, and I will show you a girl who does NOT need a good cream rinse!!!! Like, no way!!!! I have to palaave every day, darlings, I am telling you!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now the Oscar nominations! First, congratulations to the Divine Miss Meryl Streep, and the Marvelous Mr. Stanley Tucci. We love you, Meryl and Stanley!!!!!
Honey, Stanley's performance was SO chilling that not even I--who love all my serial killers, loves--could sit through "The Lovely Bones" a second time. And speaking of lovely bones, how dare they NOT nominate Miss Amy Adams??? Where is OUR AMY???? She is the freshest, most radiant thing in films, and this is what she gets???? I am sure Meryl would agree with me that Amy should be in the ineup, and that her time is coming. I mean, if it can happen for Sandra Bullock--from "Spped" to this?--it can happen to anyone, and Amy is certainly more gifted than Sandra. And that damn "Avatar" gets nominated for Best Picture; why doesn't James cameron just get his prostate removed and shut up!!!!!! But you know we will be watching and cheering, and you know when I log off here, I have to begin calling designers to line up fittings to see what and whom I am going to wear to this year's Academy Awards. I want to look my best for when Meryl gets her award!!!!!

You know what I can't stand? People who walk down the street, and won't get out of the way? What am I supposed to do? Get out of THEIR way? But, no, they keep barreling along, as if they were going to slam right into you and knock you down. What are they, so entitled? Bitches, don't talk to me about being entitled, because I am! When you see approaching, you get the Hell out of my way but fast, or else I will cut you like a paper shredder. My God, I really am a bitch today!! But we just LOVE it, girls!!!!!!!!

The Groundhog, girls, may be on to something. If I had something big and warm and furry to snuggle down with, I would stay in my hole all winter too, Alas, when one does not have a husband......

Oh, well, today is MERYL and STANLEY;s DAY so let us rejoice in them!!!!!!!

A toast to all, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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