Monday, February 1, 2010

Gonna Take A Sentimental Journey, Gonna Set My Heart At Ease!!!

Darlings, have you ever seen this classic 1946 four handkherchiefer with Maureen O'Hara??? Honestly, girls, some mornings when I am vaccuming I feel just like Maureen, and start singing that song. But would you believe that yesterday I was wailing "Paper Roses," which was done in 1973 by Marie Osmond, and then back in 1960--yes, girls, get ready--Anita Bryant!!!! on her classic debut album "Hear Anita Bryant In Your Home Tonight!" Girls, you may be shocked, but I just loved Anita's wholesome appearance, and those Orange Juice commercials, with Little Orange Bird. Let me tell you, darlings, by the time I found out Anita was an anti-gay bitch whose husband was sneaking around wearing her panties--yes, girls, those panties again!!!!-- we wanted Little Orange Bird to poke Anita's eyes out. Now she's an evangelical lounge singer. And Little Orange Bird is living it up in a Florida condo!!!!!!

So listen to some Anita Bryant, lambs, and see how far we have come, and where vocal music might have ended up if the Beatles had not happened along. And if Anita had not been a big old anti-Gay bitch, she would have been one of the world's greatest Fag Hags!!!!!!!

Fag Hag yourself, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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