Tuesday, March 2, 2010

45 Years Ago Today, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Darlings, if you are MY girls, then you damn well better know what today is. I am talking about today, back in 1965, when Twentieth Century-Fox released to the world that seminal film "The Sound of Music," and we were defined by Julie and that opening twirl. How I remember practicing that twirl for hours on end, and sometimes still do, darling, and bet Julie can do it still at a moment's notice. And how I rememaber wanting to be Heather Menzies and Angela Cartwright back then--didn't we just all, girls?--and practicing the steps segment of "Do Re Mi" in front of my own house and later on the very steps of Linclon Center itself. Yes, darlings, Lincoln Center.

So a happy birthday to "The Sound of Music," which you should watch at some point today, if only to see Julie do that opening twirl. Julie, Heather and Angela, and the rest of the Von Trapps on film are all still with us, so you better believe the LEGEND will continue.

Tonight I celebrate the legend of Tynisha Winder, my volunteer colleageue at the Center, who his having a gala birthday dinner tonight. I am telling you, maybe Angela Davis will turn up, and Power To The People, darlings! Right On, girls!!!!!!!!! Now if only a husband will turn up! And after what my thearpist said this morning--which I cannot yet reveal, girls, but just may, at a later date, I may just have to change my modus operandi. Maybe I should make a play for that adorable Yoga instructor on Thursday. I will give you a full account of Mother Tynisha's birthday party, and I am sure she will tell all! Bet you will see Tina Turner, girls!!!!!!!!!

A husband and a house in Great Neck. And these are a few of My Favorite Things!!!!!

What are some of YOURS, darlings?????????????????????

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