Monday, March 1, 2010

Girls, What Do You Think Of This Potential Spring Makeover?????

What with March breezing in like a lion, lambs, it is time to be thinking about Spring fashions. But before we get to anything else, the question must be asked--with the Academy Awards only 6 days away, what is Meryl going to wear??? Does anyone out there know who is designing for her? Being Meryl, of course, if she wrapped herself in a sheet and went as the goddess Aphrodite she would like a million dollars, but of course we all want to see the Divine Meryl at her MOST Divine, and that includes a stunning designer gown!!!!

I can tell you if it were I it would be Oscar De La Renta. What with my hair and skin tones, he is the best desginer for me, darlings. Tell Anna to get him on the phone to me right now, IMMEDIATELY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But what do you think of this, girls? I grow my hair long, down to my back, dye it blonde, part it in center, and with a caftan I can pass for Michele Phillips during her Mammas and Pappas days. John and Michie were not the only ones who were itching; sweethearts, I am itching to leave something behind, and of course as always I am itching for a husband, which, even after a trumphant homily at Dignity last ngiht, did not net me one!!! So just what I am to do. I mean, Michie wanted to go to the sea, and maybe I should too. Well, we will all just have to wait and see.

The good thing is those two worst months are over, and now I can mail out my tax payment, and not think of nonsense like that till next year. It is all nonsense, anyway, goddman tax system does me no good! Fuck capitalism and corporate America; I must visit that other bog again.

Hope you girls will visit me on here for some afternoon tea, or a coffee klatch talk, or whatever. Who knows, you may see me at Monterey Pop this year!!!!!

Kisses to all my girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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