Thursday, March 18, 2010

Darlilngs, What A Week It Has Been!!!!!!

With all that I wrote on the Papins, girls, did you think I would forget to record my daily entry? Let me tell you, this has been some week, as it seems every day this week has been something to celebrate--the Ides of March, my Communion anniversary, St. Patrick's Day, the launching of Bitch of the Week, and just wait till you find out what tomorrow is!!!!! And pretty soon it will be La Sacre Du Printemps.

But do NOT--I repeat, do NOT--put away those designer winter threads just yet, darlings. It has gotten so one cannot trust the weather truly till we reach Memorial Day, which is when, girls,--and only I would remember this--you can officially wear WHITE. So I would not box those extra layers till then. April, as T.S. Eliot said, can be the cruelest month, and that includes the weather, lambs!!!!!!!

Tonight I am at the Center, loves, and I hope someone interesting walks in. I need someone interesting to step into my life, because right now I need a date, let alone a husband!!! And I have SO much to do on my day off, I am going to have to start early. And just wait till you hear what tomorrow is. Again, I have said it!

So have a fabulous Thursday, readers--we are almost to the weekend, so I hope your Sunday brunch plans are solidified by then. Cannot wait to rip into a Bloody Mary--it has been a tough week! Meanwhile, you all behave yourselves, and no fashion faux pas, or I will hear about it. Never mind about Anna, when you have ME to contend with, girls!!!!!

Toodles for now, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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