Thursday, March 18, 2010

Darlings, Let Me Introduce You To Two Great Bitches!!!!!!

Girls, this entry may be something of a breakthrough, as I am thinking of making this day the Bitch of the Week column, devoted to a famous real or fictitious bitch. Now, before I go any further, I know some of you may be asking--what about ME? Well, loves, what do you think this entire blog is devoted to--none other than the indisputable fact that I AM A BITCH.

Prompted by an article recently read, I want to launch this column with a talk about Les Soeurs Papin. No, lambs, that is NOT the name of a Frech bistro, although it is a fabulous idea, replete with meat dishes, movie posters, murder weapons, body parts....but I am getting ahead of myself.

Les Souers Papin, or the Papin sisters, were named Christine and Lea. At the ages of 28 and 22, respecitvely, they murdered their female employeers, Madame, and her daughter Genevieve. I cannot recall the surnames. But you know the song "Four Jews In A Room Bitching." Darlings, this is "Four Bitches Simmering Under One Roof," what with Madame and Genevieve fueled with their self-righteous sense of upper class entitlement--and don't we know all about THAT, loves!--and the Papins, the unloved, unwanted daughters of a common laborere and prostitute, having literally no one but each other, evoloving into a relatiionship both lesbian and incestyuous. But they were lipstick lesbians, darlings, not beans n' franks!!!!!!
They serviced the women as chambermaids, each simmering with resentment towards the other, till, aided by a blown fuse, on the afternoon of Feburary 2, 1933, the Papins, using their bare hands to gouge out their eyes--go, girls!-- literally ripped into their employers as they walked through the door from an afternoon shopping excursion. The sister cut, sliced and diced the women to slivers of meat! Seldom has the satiation of social resentment been so satisfying. You have no idea how I wish I could have the Papins slice some people on my list.

When they were done, they cleaned up, got into bed, and clung to each other incestuously, till the cops arrived. As a friend of mine once said, "You can't make this shit up." The Papins were their own creations, darlings, but they went on to inspire others--Jean Genet with "The Maids," Wendy Kesselman with the play "My Sister In This House," which became the movie "Sister, My Sister," with Joelle Richardson, Jodhie May, and Julie Walter. The actress who played the daughter, called Isabel, in that film, was probably as French ugly as the real one. Several years later a French version appeared called "Murderous Maids." And with Leopold and Loeb having been musicalized in "Thrill Me!", can the Papins be far behind. Hell, some musical theater wannabe may be working on this right now!!!!!

Girls, we just love these bitches, because they showed themselves to be bigger bitches than their bitch employers, which is why I am always extra nice to MY servants, darlings!!!! But the Papins have charmed us for almost eighty years; and I am sure even THEY would be amazed by their continuuing popularity.

Meanwhile, girls, don't slip on any eyeballs on your stairwell!!!!!!

LOVE these bitches, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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