Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, darlings, we have made it to another one! I can only hope for a big hunky leprechaun to sweep me off my feet today. To think this is the only day of the year where I consciously eat corned beef and cabbage. I would rather have some man beef, darlings, but we are doing what we can.

Had a charming reply from a charming gentelman on Of course he wants to see my pic, and he will by the end of this weekend. And, don't get too excited, girls, but you may be able to see it on here by next week. That is right, darlinmg, The Raving Queen will come to life as never before!!!!

So what are we so anxious about? Do you know what it takes to get a Sunday brunch reservation in this town? I mean, you have to start now! It doesn't matter whether you read/bring the Style section or not. My personal choice is La Caprese, which is at the Pierre, where I hope to have my wedding, but I am telling you it takes planning and organizing just for a tiny brunch. I have told my assistant to book me for La Caprese at one, and he had better listen else his green booty will turn all shades of RED!!!!!!!

No drinks for me today' the tht of Guiness makes me puke. Maybe some nice Bailey's, especially over ice cream, darlings, love to serve it to the Girls when they come over for book club.

It is a great day for the Irish, sweethearts, especially today when EVERYONE is Irish, even J Lo!!!!! So tie that green ribbon where it will do the most good, darlings, and go out and celebrate the wearing--and maybe the tearing off--of the green!!!

I want a full report tomorrow, darlings!!! And NO hangovers!!!!!!!!!!!!

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