Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Darlings, This Is An Anniversary Unlike Any Other!!!!!!!!!!

I am telling you, girls, only on this blog will you hear such a story, so listen up. Forty seven years ago on this day, moi, dears, made my First Holy Communoion. A big deal, back then, I, who was so desperate to grow up in any form--what was I thinking?--even something as retrospectively substantial in comparison. And this was BEFORE I discovered Jennifer Jones and "The Song of Bernadette", darlings!!!!

Well, that morning, I simply did NOT want to go to my communion. Why? Because on that Saturday, Channel 9 on Super Adventure Theatre, was showing "Godzilla," which at that point I had never seen and wanted to so badly. This was before I knew the difference between the cheapo Raymond Burr version and the brilliant masterpiece "Gojira!" You should see my communion, picutre, loves; I look so holy and pious, when in reality I was seething with anger! My parents practically had to throw me into the car, protesting all the while. "God comes first!" my father argued. "But, " I countered, " how do you spell Godzilla? G-O-D-....." but to no avail, the communion went off, and within a year I would see the film for the first time, although that is quite a story, too. But for another time, girls.

To cap things off, the Communion did not go off without a hitch. But not due to me. This was back in the days, girls, when one had to refrain from eating anything the night before, in order to receive the Host. Well, seated next to me was Ricky Bronw, from the wrong side of the tracks, and who knew when the last time he ate was. During the Final Blessing, he turned in his seat and vomited right into it. In the church! In front of me! Darlings, I was appalled!!!!! Suddenly, out of nowhere, apppears this ominous nun, who drags him away into the sacristy, where I presumed he was going to be tortured. Minutes later, the same nun appeared, carrying an urn and a spoon, filled with green, pungent incense, which she proceeded to spread over the mountain of vomit. There it sat, like a mini grave mound, and there I sat, during the final phases of this Mass, so unable to do anything but stare at the green mound, knowing full too well, what was under it. I should have realized at this point that sainthood was not in the cards for me, as this is no way to be inducted into the Communion of Saints.

Nevertheless, I remember this day, and look at that picture, as each March 16 roles around. Cannot believe there have been 47 of them.

And to think it was the day before St Patrick's day. Who knows what will happen then? Just pray I catch some hunky Irishman or at least a leprechaun with his Lucky Charms!!!!!!

See you in Glocca Morra tomorrow, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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