Thursday, March 25, 2010

Darlings, This One Almost Chose Itself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For our second Bitch of the Week, it is hard to find someone who could top the Papin sisters. But this week's choice is such prime bitch, many may ask, why didn't you start wtih HER? Well, better late than never, girls!!!!!!!!!!

This week's selection is none other than NYC's top fashion doyenne....Anna Wintour!

Again, you may ask, what can be said of Anna that has not been already? Well, for starters, unlike the Papins, she, as yet, has not murdered anyone. At least, not that I know! She has inspired horror and dersion from her staff and everyone around her, which makes her a bitch, and like the Papins, she has attracted creative muses. Lauren Weisberger immotalized her fictitiously in her signature book, "The Devil Wears Prada," which in turn inspired one of Meryl Streep's best film performances. And let us not forget "The September Issue," with Anna swilling Starbucks, barking orders at Grace Coddington (how does she stand it, I wonder), directing her own daughter's career choices, and trying to buff up Andre Leon Taley, when he is clearly nothing more than a distant gay cousin of the Reverend Al Sharpton. I am telling you, honey, he was more interested in his matching outfits and accessories on the court, than in his tennis game! As well he should be, girls!!!!!!!!

Anna is such a bitch, if she owned a dog, the poor thing would be afraid of her. And how about conttradictions--this town's high priestess of fashion sporting the same Louise Brooks hairdo she has worn for the last 40 years. Not to mentnion those crow's feet on her eyes, and those wrinkles on your neck. It is time for a fashion makeover, Anna, dear! At least start wearing those Katherine Hepburn high necked collars so others will not barf just looking at you!!!!!

Another good thing about Anna is she inspires bitchiness in others; I mean, lambs, look at the previous paragraph!!!! But you just gotta love her? Who else could be more perfect for this column than Anna Wintour! She is not just a bitch, she is a TOTAL BITCH!!!!!! And if you keep drinking Starbucks like her, girls, you may turn out that way, too!

Incidentally, while Ms. Weinberger may have profited handsomely at the hands of Anna, keep in mind that she served a 10 month engagement as her personal assistant. From what I understand, loves, ten months working for Anna is something of a record; most do not even last one day!!!!!

But if you want to talk about bitches, let's see how long Anna lasts working for ME???? Put us in a room and see who comes out alive!!! I will have Anna ready for the plastic surgeon, where she should be headed right now.

So hats off to this week's reigning Bitch, Anna Wintour. And, Anna, it wouldn't hurt if you did wear a hat. It would cover up so much facial disfigurement!!!!!!!!!

Until next week's Bitch, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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