Thursday, March 25, 2010

Girls, I Just Don't Know What I Am Going To Do!!!!!!!!!!

For starters, darlings, did you know that today happens to be the Annunciation??? The day the angel Gabriel, appeared before Mary, the Mother of God, and informed her she was to be just that. Watch out for any announcemtents you receive today, lambs, virgin or not.

And today I wanted to report back to you on a gorgeous evening out at Babbo, with the hottest people in tandem. But, thanks to my assistant, who failed to book me a table--guess I will have to do such myself-- I ended up with the Girls, at the world famous Malibu, where the elite meet to eat!!!!!! Hardly Babbo, my dears.

So I am going to bite the bullet by the table and place an order. And when I do, watch out, because you will get a full accounting. Meanwhile it is almost Friday, which measn I need a Bloody Mary, and I have to think about where I am going to dine for brunch on Sunday. Do such things exist in Woodside? I will have to find out; then I could sleep it off before Dignity. Meanwhile, if that assitant of mine keeps sleeping off, I am going to have to send him to the canners till he is reduced to glue lkke a dead horse!!!!! So stay tuned to the latest in my quest to get a table at Babbo.

Which is faring this well as my attempt to land a husband. Hell, no one at will even go on a coffee date with me; since I don't look like Eric Evans, Shane Cole or the Titan Media team. Do they? Hell, they probably resemble Philip Seymour Hoffman!-EEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!-- than anything else, so what do they have to be so picky and judgemental about. I was ready to cry this morning, girls, but you know what, the joke is on them. They don't know how to deal with what is FABULOUS, and I haven't time to train anyone!!!!! I just know that I AM FABULOUS, and some lucky guy will find out in due time, and the others will live to regret it.

Meantime, keep adjusting that spring wardrobe, darlings! And time to think about buying this year's Easter bonnett!!!

Toodles, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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