Sunday, March 28, 2010

Darlings, You Won't Believe The Weekend I Have Had!!!!!!!!!!!

Let's start with Friday, girls! Thaere I was all day at work, furiously on the phone, in between doing what I had to do, desperately trying to get a table at Babbo's!!!! I mean, everyone I know--Audrey, Erica, Janice, Annette, Daisy--has been there, I just HAD to go. Not since being not invited to the Roberta Inner Circle in my hometown have I felt so excluided.

Well, let me tell you, dolls, when I finally got through, you know what they had the nerve to tell me? That if I wanted to come by some night and sit at the bar, I could nosh on whatever they served. In other words, if you are single--yet another reason to decry my not having a husband--they do NOT want to place you at a table. Saying thank you as politely as I could, I hung up. I have a good mind to call Mario Battalli. I bet after I gave him a good blow job, he would be more than happy to seat my anywhere at Babbo's. Hell, for that, the whole thing might be on the house!

So, Saaturday morning, as a result, I awoke feeling like Miss Bitch! Only THIS bitch decided to do something about it, honeys. I called their competer, Esca, on 43rd Street in the Theatre District. They were more than happy to accomodate me, and when I arrived, darlings, they greeted me by name, and treated me as royalty. I am talking about Queen For A Day, girls!!!!! My server was so cute I am sure he would have dropped his drawers for me, but I was a gentleman. He asked me if I was gong to the theater, which I told him was funny, because, darlings, when I am in that part of town, that is usually the reason I am there. But, no, I cheerfully told him my time was my own, and that THIS was to be my theater that day. Well, I was served the most scrumptious meal.

It started with a calamari grilled in lemon butter sauce, stuffed with couscous, and laced with greens. Fabulous, girls! My main course was a zesty rigatoni in a spicy red artichoke sauce with real artichoke hearts and gulf shrimp. It was from heaven, girls, and a lot spicier than some of my dates!!!!!! Two healthy glasses of Montepulciano accompanied this feast, followed by a caramel gelato with whipped cream, over which was poured a cup of espresso!!! If this was LSD, I would have been on some trip, loves!!!! And then some Espresso to drink, capped off by `tow surgar cookies. I mean, what a meal. I was completly done in; if I had been Anna Wintour, I don't think I could have returned to the office. So this Anna went back home, slept, and then hit the night life in Manhattan.

I suppose this will teach Babbo's a lesson. And the lesson I impart to you, girls, is do not let these serving scurvies push you around! If they give you the heave-ho, go somewhere else. Or do what I plan to do, and give Mario head.

THEN I will have more than Babbo's to report on girls! Stay tuned till further notice. And pray I get a coffee date soon!!!!!

Happy Holy Week, everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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