Friday, March 26, 2010

Darlings, That Girl Is TOAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No, loves, I am NOT talking about Marlo Thomas as Ann Marie, whom you all know I wanted to be, back in the 60s. I am talking about that overrated and now professionally finished ex-comedienne named Megan Mullaly, and her disgraceful behavior toward Joe Mantello and Patton Oswald on "Lips Together, Teeth Apart."

Who does Miss Thing think she does appointing herself judege and executioner, and trying to get Oswald repalced on the basis of lack of stage experience? Are we Meryl Streep, Megan? Not exactly, dear. And now her ego will be so inflated to think she has the power to shut down stage productions. This woman is looking good for next Thurday's Bitch of the Week entry, and you can bet after pulling this routine, with all the union charges and Equity citations pending--THIS BROAD WILL NEVER WORK IN THIS TOWN AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!! I mean, do we need someone whose self-absorption is so projected into her fictional character of Karen that she cannot funciton in the theater community. Bitch, get off my stage, is what I say. Take it back to Hollywood, and before you know it, if you keep this up, you will be a washed up, faded hooker on Hollywood and Vine.

But you are DONE in this town, Megann, do you hear me?? DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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