Sunday, March 21, 2010

Girls, Let Me Be The First To Tell You--Fishnets Are Not Everything!!!!!!!

Where to begin, girls? Last eve I was on the Jersey PATH, enroute back to town after a scrumptious evening in Newark with my friend Tom, the cheurb. We dined at one of my favorite of his neighborhood places--Francesca's, then returned to his place for a very successful photo shoot, resulting in one part in the photo you now see on here, loves?

So why do fishnets come to mind. You would not believe what was sitting across from me on the New York bound PATH train. I mean, as Joan Rivers would say, "What a tramp!"

This babe was no Miss Porter's grad. She was physically the size of Queen Latifah, and hanging from her body was some clothing contraption that I am not even sure was one or two pieced, that barely concealed her enlarged, pendulous breasts, and the dress was hiked so high, a fraction of an age more and you could have seen what brand of feminine protection she was using. Her heels were spiked, and her stockings were this criss crossed fishnets. She was with this guy, and they got off at Journal Square, and you can bet they were not going to any costume party. A working girl's secret, after all!!!!!!!

Sweeties, you would NEVER catch me in such a get-up. But it set me thinking, ever since I was a wee tyke, and my parents palced in my hands the Colorforms Debbie Reynolds Dress Designer kit, it has been all about coutre, darlings!!!! Who knows, had I been able to draw, I might now be running VOGUE instead of Anna. You want to see what bitch means, then, I am telling you!!!!! And coutre carried over to comics; even though I loved the super-heroes, the ones I always wanted to be had to do with their costumes--lots of red, more than anything else. No, I did NOT want to be Wonder Woman or Black Canary, with her fishnets. Who I wanted to be was:

The Flash
Lightning Lad
Ultra Boy
Saturn Girl
Sun Boy
Doctor Fate
Captain Marvel
Captain America
.................because and only because they had the best costumes.

Which proves, darlings, that as spring approaches, our lives are increasingly ruled by fashion. So do not let me catch you in what that cheap tramp was wearing last night, or I will report you to Anna!!!! Hell, worse, you will have to report to ME!!!!! Dress fashionably and modestly in the warm days ahead, girls, and you will get ahead!!!!!

And maybe I will finally get some head! Oh, well, I can hope!!!!!

Have a lovely Sunday, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

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