Saturday, March 20, 2010

"...Or Else, I Attract The Guys Who Are Longing To Do My Hair!!!!!!!!"

Darlings, guys have been doing my hair since Day One, and it has never scored me any action. So, with all due respect to Cy Coleman and "City of Angels," it is just not applicable.

But hair is a reasonable subject for today--at least, mine, girls!-- because tonight I have my photo shoot both for my personal ad and this blog. And I have to look my best--Amy Adams for the ad and a TOTAL BITCH for the blog.

Speaking of total bitches, what a delight the new Korean film "Mother" is. Forget the Albert Brooks film of the same name; that guy is professionally dead, anyway!!!! This latest film brings new meaning to maternal love, what with Mother sleeping with her grown, impaired son, and taking up for him like an Asian version of Mrs. Voorhees!!!!! You just gotta love her, even though this is not as campy or over the top at F13, it is definitely a distant cousin to it!!!! Lots of Hitchcockian and David Lynch touches, too! I am telling you, girls, once you see this, Jocasta will look real good to you, darlings!!!!!

This was the highlight of my day, which was capped off by a Bloody Mary at the Riviera Cafe, dinner with the Girls, and the delightful new book "Jaclyn The Ripper," which turns out to be not a rif on the theory that Jack was actually a woman--an interesting possibility therein--but a sequel to a well-regarded novel and film, "Time After Time," which was filmed with Malcom McDowell and Mary Steenburgen, and would you believe I have never seen, darlings????? Believe you me, since I have begun reading 'Jaclyn,' I can assure you THAT will soon be taken care of. And me having strolled all through Whitechapel, myself. How could I have missed out on this?
But, hell, lambs, I haven't even seen "Gilda" yet, which is one reason why you haven't heard me quote from "Put The Blame On Mame," though you girls know we all want to look like Rita Hayworth, and wear that famous gown!!!!!!

So I am all gowned for my photo shoot, but I am bringing make-up and foundation, plus a frock to wear to dine, so that if I spill something on it, my true outfit will not be dammaged. In the meantime, Spring is about to arrive, so it IS now time, girls, to start THINKING about those new seasonal outifits, but as I am telling eveyone, do NOT put those winter things away just yet. I am sure Mother Nature has a few surprises that we don't know about!!!!!!!!

Nevertheless, have a fabullous weekend, girls, may all YOUR photo shoots be professional ones!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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