Saturday, April 3, 2010

Are You Ready, Darlings!!!!!!!

Well, girls, it's Holy Saturday, and after Good Friday yesterday, what with meditation in a churchyard, reading "Frankenstein," listening to a choir and then scarfing down some Bloody Marys, it was a full range day, that took the edge off it being the 31st anniversary of my mother's death, and all the attendant baggage from the past that it brings up.

But now it is time to ask--Do you have your Easter bonnett, brunch reservation, and white gloves? Because if you haven't there is very little time left to take your place in that grand display of the Human Condition in New York, known as the Easter Parade. Sweethearts, it is on a par with Thackeray's "Vanity Fair."

Let's hope my vanity at least gets stroked by tonight's potential meeting. If other things get, darlings, NOT on a first date. This is not what we were taught at Miss Porter's. Not even Charles Neslon Reilly!!!!!!

And speaking of things Riely, David is still hopsitalized in Chicago, with a stomach ulcer. I am telling you, girls, that child has got to watch himself. One of my Davids has bit the dust; I don't need another doing it so soon. What with just having lost June Havoc and now John Forsythe.

My evening outfit is appropriately understated, girls, though I have opted for a spring, pastel red and yellow look. In the meantime, don't forget to boil and color your eggs, hide those Easter Baskets, and have a joyous Easter no matter what you do!!!!!!

You're doing great, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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