Thursday, April 1, 2010

Girls, We've Made It To Another Maundy Thursday!!!!!

Darlings, I just love the sound of that phrase, but even I have been confused by it. I used to call it "Maudie Thursday," and people would get confused, thinking it was a tribute to Bea Arthur. I don't think she was at the Last Supper, but who knows. As most theater folk, this is the night the Apostles, hopefully scrubbed and manicured, sat around, eating and drinking wine while singing--

"Look at all my trials and tribulations,
Sinking in a gentle pool of wine,
What's that in the bread? It's gone to my head,
Till this evening is this morning, life is fine.

Lambs, if my trials and tribulations could be reduced to a bottle of wine, well, wouldn't I be better off. Alas, such is not the case, so you will have to settle for moi.

Last night, pets, we had book club at Audrey's, she with the fabulous view and an ever approaching event that has all us girls, reeling. She was actually generously offering her abode to our host, Steve, who instigated a discussion of Graham Greene's "Our Man In Havanna." And that is not all. But, first, let me say, we just ADORE Steve, and certainly I, darlings, not only for his elegant habedashery and resemblance to Stanley Tucci, but his urbane and cultured wit, and his intellectually brilliant and handsome partner Brendan, who turns divinely. Brendan, alas, was out of town, and was not available to twirl and swirl for us. Quel domage!!!!!!!!

And what a sumptuous meal--between Audrey's marinated lamb ribs, Peter's potatoes, the fresh asparagus, the flowing wine, and this wonderful sorbet that Julia denied was homemade, but who are you kidding; when it comes from Julia, darling, you better believe it is homemade. How she has time to be a culinary wiz AND a high powered attorney is simply amazing.

But back to Steve, for a moment. At one point he was discoursing on an acquaintance of his, who happens to be seeing Frank Bruni. Yes, dears, THAT Frank Bruni, he of the New York Times, and the author of "Born Round." Now, I am not one to dish, but would you believe they met at Phoenix Bar? In the East Village. I mean, I would not even pick up a roach there, and as for the East Village--well, you can bet Aunt Pittypat wouldn't be caught bar hopping over there. She would go to the West Village. But who am I, without a husband, to cast judgement?

I could care less where they met. But when Steve told us how Frank had a cameo in the final scene of last year's enchanting film, "Julie and Julia," you can bet this Raving Queen's ears perked up. The scene, of course, is the fabulous rooftop party scene, where Julie, played of course, by the exquisite and radiant Amy Adams, comemorates ending her character's project by serving the ultimate Julia Child spectacular meal--which you had better believe I am working up to, darlings, for when I host book club.

I was fascinated by Steve's account. According to him, Frank said it took most of the day or night to shoot. Well, girls, that's how things go in movieland--do you know how many takes I have to do on a scene, before I am satisfied????? Such happenings are commonplace and typical. BUT when he said that--now girls, pay attention--Amy Adams was a bitch, well, I needed a moisturizer!!! Now let me give it to you straight, lambs--Amy Adams is NOT a bitch! She is decent, and fine, and pure. She radiates charm and graciousness and eveyone's skin tones improve within her presence because of the radiance that emanates from her. Frank had better watch it there, what with that widow's peak of his (as if HE should talk!), which is more than proof that I need that he is simply jealous because the scene was not all about him, and that he is not as pretty as Amy Adams. Not that I am saying I am, loves--heaven forbid!!!!! The ONLY one as pretty as Amy Adams is--AMY ADAMS!!!!! Make no mistake about that.

Naturally, I will be watching Frank closely. I am even going to read "Born Round." At this point, darlings, he is looking REAL good as a potential future Bitch of the Week on here!!!!! And before I am through, before he melts in front of me like Margaret Hamilton--a glamour girl,compared to him--he will rue the day he called that epithet to Miss Adams!!!!! No one says such things about our beloved Amy!!!!!!

Nevertheless, it was thought provoking, so I must thank Steve for providing such superb material for today's blog. And the bottle of wine he bought was scrumptious--I just mixed and matched, till I felt like Tallulah Bankhead!!!!!
In the meantime, last night was another crowning social event in my whirlwind life. I even had a dream last night about being on the 'Julia' set and basking in the Adams radiance. A sign from Amy, for sure!!!!!

So, darlings, remember, when it comes to the bitch laden or the pure in heart, THIS is the source for all!!!!!! Have a fabulous Maundy Thursday and one Hell of a Good Friday!!!!

And we love you, Steve!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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