Saturday, April 17, 2010

Darlings, I Have A Shocking Confession To Make!!!!!!!!!!!

No, girls, I have not murdered anyone, and this is not nearly as bad as Richard Gere and the gerbils. After all, we girls have to have our coffee every morning!!!!!

Recently, I read a terrfic book by Peter Ayckroyd called "The Casebook of Victor Frankenstein." It was a new take on the Mary Shelley classic, and it compelled me to re-read that again, and start again about the 1931 Universal masterpiece.

That is when I discovered, though I had long suppressed it, that I always had the hots for Fritz. Now, Fritz, you may remember, was Dr. Frankenstein's (Colin Clive) hunchbacked assistant, who was played by the brilliant actor Dwight Frye. Now, maybe I had the hots for Dwight, but it was really when he was in character as Fritz that my hormones went raging. You know, darlings, he and the Doctor were getting it on. It was clear from the film (and remember James Whale directed this, so it makes sense) that while Dr. Frankenstein ruled in the lab, Fritz ruled in the bedroom. He was cute, hot little, hunchbacked, agressive Top, and the doctor was just a big old Bottom!!!!!!!!! I would not mind making it with Fritz, let me tell you, he would give me a fun time, I am sure! And he is so CUTE!!!!!!!!

Girls, you have followed my travails on here of husband hunting; compared to what I have been through and what I have had, Fritz looks good! So, if any of you out there know any nice gay male huncbacks, just contact me on here. And no, I am not talking about Linda Lavin. She is uglier than a hunchback, no disrespect to the hump ridden. Hell, maybe she needs to get humped!!!! I sure do, darlings, and it takes a MAN to do it, and Fritz could be that man!!!!!!!!!!

So that is my confession, girls! Have some coffee this morning, and don't forget those weekend Bloody Marys!!!!!!!!!

Love to all, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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