Thursday, April 15, 2010

"Get Off These Steps, You Trashy Wench!!!! Get Off This Land!!!!!!!!!!!"

No, darlings, that is not me talking to Linda Lavin, though I just might say to that to her someday. It is what I will say to the homophones who have committed the following.

Now, girls, you know how ardently I have been searching for a husband on And you know how difficult it has been. Well, yesterday the difficulty was compouned by this email I recieved. It was from this too young (28) firefighter named John, who bills himself as "niceguynyc1." Well, I am looking this over, and discover that he is a man looking for women. I thought someone at the site has made an obvious slip up, so I email the guy, with a sense of humor, saying he better check with them because last time I looked I was not a woman. Later that day, I get an email saying he is interested in "the gay experience." Now, I will admit, I am suspicious, but, hell, I am also open minded, darlings, so respond back, saying if he wants to meet for cofffee and talk, fine. He replies--and I quote--"I want a blow job. Interested?"

Maybe he doesn't have much to blow, which is why women are not responding to him. Though with this personality, it is a wonder anyone would. By the way, he hails from Morris County, New Jersey. So watch out, folks!!!!

Needless to say, I deleted and reported him. Personally, I would like to see him castrated. Hell, I will do it myself, like Ellen Page was going to in "Hard Candy."

As if that is not enough, girls, this morning, I get another email saying that yesterday morning the LGBT Center here in New York, was the victim of a hate atttack.
It seems when the staff went to open yesterday morning, they found a burned rainbow flag draped over one of the outside display case posters. To which I reiterate Scarlett's line from above. And if anyone starts with ME, darlings, they may get the Hard Candy treatment.

Finding a husband and being gay are bad enough. But, girls, we do not have to stand for it, and I don't care if it is your family, you spit in their faces and tell them what their trash can do.

And, girls, if I find the trash who did either of these things, I will dump them all in the garbage!!!!!!!!!!

Back to Bungalow 8 soon, girls; I promise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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