Thursday, April 15, 2010

We Have A Winner, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For awhile there, I thought we would not have a Bitch of the Week this week, but then I searched my memory and recalled an incident going back fourteen years that gave me this candidate. I also did some searching on websites and found out via others that the reputation is justified.

The winner of this week's Bitch Of The Week is...........Linda Lavin!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, no one admires and appreciates actors than I, darlings, so I really hate to tell on one. I mean, the Megan Mullally thing was inexcusable. It was something that just suddenly popped up. But this little anecdote with Linda Lavin happened to moi, darlings. And I was not doing a thing!

The time was about 1994, when Lavin was preparing to go into Wendy Wasserstein's
"The Sister Rosensweig." It was a Lincoln Center Theatre production, so I guess she was rehearsing, or maybe tending to business, like contract signing, up at the Beaumont. Well, loves, I happen to work near there, and one evening in the spring of '94, I was walking from Amsterdam to Broadway. As I proceeded along, I passed the car underpass, and the walkway, leading to the Beaumont stage door. There was, and still is, a smal, ridged embankement, across from the door, which a peerson, if so inclined, can sit on. Now, ninety nine per cent of the time, I have never seen anyone sitting on this embankemnt. But that night, I did a double take, for sitting there, smoking a cigarette, was Linda Lavin!!!! I was so startled, my eyebrows instinctively went up, signalling I recognized her. She's not Blythe or Meryl, so I had no intention of running over; I did not say anything. Well, she acted like I did, or was just about to, because she gave me this look that could kill with her eyes that said "Don't even THINK of talking to me!" Well, fuck you, bitch, I wasn't planning to anyway, and even if you had a bad day that is NO excuse for your behavior, especially when I did nothing. I kept right on going--as I planned to.

But this incident is NOT forgotten, which is what makes Linda such a bitch. A wonderful actress, to be sure, but a bitch. I have heard from others she is difficult, and, girls, have you heard about the story where she called Joan Riveers an "ugly Jewish broad," then said she (Joan) did not have the talent to pull it off.
You know who is ugly??? You are, you Lavin bitch! No wondeer Ron Liebmann divorced you; he probably couldn't fucking stand you. How this bitch gets work is beyond me, because she makes it hell for everyone on the set. And how about "Gypsy?" The idea of replacing Tyne Daly; she couldn't even keep that show going for a week! And how on earth do you ruin "Gypsy?"

Then answer is--Linda Lavin. So hats off to our Bitch of the Week, which yours truly has personally experienced. The next time, you see Linda, darlings, glare back at her! Give her some of her own medicine!!!!

Unitil next week, (the Bitch) darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Ha! Same thing happened to me!! I was seeing "The Diary Of Anne Frank" years ago. I was at the stage door waiting for a glimpse of Natalie Portman, actually, when I spied Lavin on the sidewalk. Seriously, she effin' GLARED the meanest glare I've ever seen. I still shiver when I think of it.

    I love your blog!

  2. Ha! Same thing happened to me!! I was seeing "The Diary Of Anne Frank" years ago. I was at the stage door waiting for a glimpse of Natalie Portman, actually, when I spied Lavin on the sidewalk. Seriously, she effin' GLARED the meanest glare I've ever seen. I still shiver when I think of it.

    I love your blog!
