Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Darlings, We Ought To Slap Ben Brantely!!!!!!!

The only thing wrong with the above, girls, is that deep down, we know he would LIKE it!!!!! Imagine sticky his butt in the air, slapping it beet red, while he wiggles, gyrates and moans!!!! What would be the point? No, girls, this is not a pron site; if you want that then go elsewhere; there is plenty of such out in cyber.
What we are referring to is Ben Brantley's reveiw of the current revival of "Promises, Promises," which opened last night at the Broadway theater. Not that he was wrong to have reservations and caveats. BUT his ignorance of what it takes to make this show successful is inexcusable, considering he is old enough (my age, darlings!) to know, AND know full well who those sources are. They just happen to be the choreography of Michael Bennett (this was his first hit as a choreographer) and two then young ladies, still living, Donna McKechnie and Baayork Lee, who stepped out of the chorus to stop the show with "Turkery Lurkey Time" and have since gone on to things well chronicled here. First, to jettison the Bennett dances was insulting to all, and not to consult Donna or Baayork for reconstruction purposes is short of desecration. Who wants to see recycled amateurism? And then to have Sean Hayes do a role originated by Jerry Orbach? Well, Brantley DID touch upon that, but his failure to mention Michael Bennett, Donna or Baayork, calls his critical acumen into question and shows why this big old bottom just needs to be bitch slapped until his pleasure turns to pain. I hope Donna and Baayork are out there right now, and reading this, because, darlings, let me tell you, they could go on tonight and delvier that number with as much gusto as they did back in 1968.

Not to mention this was the show that cemented my determination to see all things Broadway. I will never forget back in eighth grade French class when Miss Princess of Linclon Avenue, Roberta Widman (who got everything I should have had!) regaled us one Monday with her weekend--"What did YOU do?" she condescended. "Friday night I went to see 'Promises, Promises'." I made up my mind then and there that when I came of age I would see as much Broadway as I could. And now I bet I strip Roberta when it comes to that? How do you like that, Roberta? Huh? Miss Princess who wouldn't talk to some of us. Well, there you are!!!!!

Darlings, it feels so good to vent our spleen of the past. Right now I would like to vent something on Mr. Ben Brantley. Well, mark my words--one day his path and mine will cross, and girls, you will hear it firt on HERE.

Meanwhile, I am off to Audrey's this eve for another Beads For Life reception. And who knows what tomorrow. After last weekend, my week should prove to be one of glamour girls.

Join me, darlings, as I keep you informed!

Right on, Little Edie!!!!!!!!!

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