Sunday, April 25, 2010

Darlings, So Many Secrets To Share!!!!!!

Girls, this is coming live to you from the Pennsylvania suburbs, where I am once again ensconced. What was supposed to be the birthday celebration for my father fizzled, due in part to pressure on nerves exerted upon my father. I am telling you, next time we don't tell him what is going to happen, just surprise him. This is the fourth planned event with him that has fizzled out, and I am telling you, girls, this act is getting real old real quick.

Speaking of secrets, you have heard about my friend, Harvey. Well, I want to share a big one concerning him. I have the theory based on long years of observation that Harvey is secretly drag icon Rollerena!!!! Think about it, lambs, you do not see either at the Center at the same time. I mean, I never have!!!!! According to the research I have done, Rollerena was born around 1948, and emerged on the NYC gay scene at about 1972. And Harvey was born in 1949, so he COULD be Rollerena. That whole steel magnolia act is just a big cover-up for disco wildness and an affinity for the night scene. Of course, this will all be answered on May 8, when Rollerena hosts a Studio 54 Anniversary at the Center party, and then we will find out the answer for sure. I will report it on here, girls, as expected, and I can promise you that whether he is Harvey, or whether he is Rollerena, both are icons.

Alas, there are no icons in the suburbs. Honey, it is so pictuesque here, but there is not much to do. If only we could have gone to Chadwick's , it would have been interesting. But I am telling you, the wholesome farm atmosphere of Springton Manor, with its farm fresh goodness just brought out my inner American. But you have never seen so many heterosexuals in your life. Get me back to the city where there are gay men. Heaven help me, girls! And still no husband! I promise this coming week I will take a more aggressive approach on the husband hunting front.

Now, if only I could have a Bloody Mary! But no bloody chance here, dears!!!!!!

See you all back in New York, girls!!!!!

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