Thursday, April 22, 2010

Girls, I Can't Believe Another Week Has Passed!!!!

Seems like yesterday, darlings, we were just doing this, but lo and behold it is time for another Bitch of the Week! And what a choice one we have for today. The honor this week goes to none other than---Pope Benedict XVI.

You have to hand it to this guy for being such a would be. A would be cleric and pontiff, and more importantly a would be fashionista. Yes, girls, this Pope spends more time worrying about his robe and his red shoes than he does about Christian doctrine and congregational welfare. Listen, if Judy Garland had paid as much attention to HER red shoes in "The Wizard of Oz," Dorothy would have gotten home a lot faster. This is one prancing Pontif, girls, what with his matching Prada red back, sequeined ruby necklaces, and those shoes that just won't quit. Never mind about those generations of children in Ireland and elsewhere who were abused by pedophile priests. Never mind about the women in Ireland and elsewhere--generations of them, darling--who were abused by the nuns in the Magadalen asylums. Two movies were even made about that one, girls. And don't forget about the priestly goings on in "Primal Fear." Hell, the Catholic Church has moved so far past "Going My Way" that "The Exorcist" makes things look good. And this image is being enhanced, further and negatively, by our current Pope, who is certainly a grade A bitch, who will not own up to any responsibility whatsoever.

What he and all these priests need is a good strong dose of Jennifer Jones--and I mean in "The Song of Bernadette," not "Duel In The Sun." These padres are more Pearl than Bernadette already. What the Church needs is a leader like Father Guido Sarducci, whose answer to everything is "'Ay, how you doin'?" No trouble with him around.

So hats off--and what hats, darlings--to our current Bitch of the Week, Pope Benedict XVI!!!! Not only is he destroying his own reputation but that of an entire Faith. And all for his own self-aggrandizement.

Now THERE is a bitch for you, girls!!!!!!!!!!

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