Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Darlings, What Does One Do After One Has Met A Legend??????

Girls, let me tell you, my week was made. There I was, sitting at the desk, taking and vetting appointments, when in front of my desk walks--Jossie De Guzman!!!!!!!!! Now, this is espeically important after my last post on Musical Theater Queens, as any MTQ worth their name will know who Jossie is.

Darlings, back in the 1970s, we all wanted to be Jossie De Guzman. We wanted to look like her, wear her hair like, her, and most of all, we wanted to sing like her, as she had one of the most compelling voices ever in musical theater. When she did the haunting "No Lullabies For Luis" in Elizabeth Swados' "Runaways" back in
1978, girls, I am telling you, there was absolutely NOTHING like it. And then she went on to do Maria in the 1980 "West Side Story" revival and then Sister Sarah in the Nathan Lane-Faith Prince "Guys and Dolls." My friend Rob, the Amy Adams of Mahwah, New Jersey, went to school with Jossie, and he knew before any of us what a legend she was going to become. And now here is Jossie right in our midst, back in New York, looking as lovely as ever, with that radiant mannaer and I am sure that still compelling voice. I am telling you, my week is made. I have to have a cool drink just to recover.

So, go home tonight, and try and become a legend yourselves, girls! But no one--I mean NO ONE--can be the legend that is Jossie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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