Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Darlings, You Had Better Be NICE To All Us Musical Theater Queens!!!!

Girls, The Raving Queen is not only that; I am a Drama Queen (Oh, my GOD!) and most especially a Musical Theater Queen, which means not only that I am nicer than one of those Vicious Opera Queens, but, well, let's just say if someone somewhere is doing a production of, say, "The Baker's Wife," I will flock to it just to hear the actress in the title show sing the ballad, "Meadowlark. Hell, I would even want to play the baker's wife!!!!!

The husband hunting was put on hold yesterday, because at 10 am I had to be at Town Hall--yes, darlings!--for a presentation by Theatreworks USA of various adaptations of children's books. Featured were "Duck For President," "Fancy Nancy" (which, next to what I will report on, was my favorite, and let me tell you, should be staged at The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Center in New York, because I am telling you, lambs, there would SUCH self-identification!) "I Have To Go," "Pirates Don't Do Diapers!" (and neither do Raving Queens!) and the fetured spot on the program--Baby Mouse, The Musical!" which was brilliantly conceived as a two act piece, and was the only one to get a second installment. Girls, they have done right by my niece (Jennifer Holm) and nephew (Matthew Holm),whose Baby Mouse (based on a French poodle owned by the family of yours truly!) books have taken off into the stratosphere. Not quite like J.K. Rowling, but after what I saw, they are on their way! And the actors were all so cute--including the geeky guy: maybe I could go out with him!--performing full tilt at 10 am is not an easy feat. Hell, at 10 am, girls, I barely have enough coffee in me to do this!

Darlings, this was the freshest, most exciting presentation I have seen in my recent theatergoing. They certainly did a better job with this than the revival of "The Miracle Worker." Baby Mouse needs to branch out and get her own show, board game, or something; I believe negotitaions are underway for a cartoon, and wouldn't that be fabulous. I wonder who would do the voice of Baby Mouse????

So you can see, girls, my husband hunting was put on hold, which is just as well, because it looks like that well has run dry. Talk about Blance Du Bois; I may be ready for a cell next door to her! But I am going to persevere in a little matter I have not told anyone here about, but if it strikes I will let you know at once, girls. The only clue I will leave you with, is that somehow it all harkens back to my past!

After the show, we went to Bryant Park where the kids rode the Merry-Go-Round, and then were going to the top of the Empire State Building, which was just too much for me, loves! So I went home, crashed, changed into something more comfortable and dashed into the city for a late lunch and a much needed Bloody Mary!!!! Which zoned me out, which was just what I needed. Then I met Harvey and the Girls later for coffee!!!!! It just never stops, girls!!!!!

And now here I am back with all my darlings, thinking of going to see "The Cartel" tonight. It examines public education in New Jersey, and you know how bitter I am on THAT subject, honey!!!! Then tomorrow, I have to get meds, pack, buy a bus tkt, pay bills, in prep for a weekend trip Friday to PA. It just never stops, I am telling you!!!! I guess you will all need roller skates to keep up with me like Rollerena!!!! No, girls, I am NOT secretly Rollerena, though I have an idea who IS, and I will share that with you another time! Meanwhile have a rolling day, and watch out for the further adventures of Baby Mouse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love to all, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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