Saturday, May 8, 2010

Cross Your Fingers, Girls!!!!!!!

Darlings, just like the cross my heart bra! Yes, tonight is the big night, loves and I am SO nervous. An extra layer of night cream was applied last night before sleep for assurance. And to think I am wearing the shirt on the photo. Some things are subliminal, I guess. And of course all sorts of nervous things are floating through my head--"It will be wonderful," "It will not," "We'll get married." "Then I will lose my job"--and on and on. You better believe I am taking meds today, and now, girls, you know why.

A lovely time was had by all at Riverside Park. Our book club hostess, Julia, served poizza, which she swears she did not make, but with Julia, are you kidding? And we had coffee and talk afterwards at her place, and what a cozy little domestic enclave she and her busband, Henry have. It is like "La Boeheme" without the music.
Just like two clams crammed into one half shell!

Darlings, even though I would like to be crammed(!!!!) with someone, I have to wonder and marvel at how they do it. But soon they will find their dream spot and then kisses for all!!!!!

Girls, I am just SO nervous. Even one of my coworkers commented. I told him I did not sleep well last night, which was half true, because these gorillas in my nabe were having a party that went on past midnight!!! Until a familiar voice, whom I do not know, but am always grateful for, yelled out the window--"Shut the fuck up, you animals! I am calling the cops NOW!" Then I heard a siren in the distance, and you better believe there was dead silence and a good night sleep after that. Hats off to this guy, who deserves a good blow job. Maybe not from me, but from soneone.

So, you can see what a mess I am, darlings, but I look gorgeous. I will be sure to give all of you a full report on the exploits this eve!

wish me luck, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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