Friday, May 7, 2010

Darlings, There Is SO MUCH To Report!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, the first thing I want to say is according to my sources, Amy Adams is very near due to give birth. Some figure it will be this Sunday, the 9th, which is Mother's Day, and as Amy is perfection herself, wouldn't that just be? Think how exciting it is going to be, darlings, when Meryl Streep delivers the baby herself. Will the baby resmble Meryl Streep? I cannot WAIT to find out. But with Amy Adams as the mother, you know this baby is going to radiant and enchanting!!! Just like ME, loves!!!!!

Let me say that "Memphis," the recently Tony nominated musical, which I saw Wednesday evening, is worthy of what it got. I was expecting a musical compendium of songs out of Memphis from that era, but what you get is a show biz book musical, with a galvanizing star performance by leading man Chad Kimball, whose performance cries out to win the Tony Award, and, honey, I think he should win. How many men in musicals are allowed to stop the show like this, girls?? Not too many, I can tell you, which is why I have not stopped any of late. But Chad is electric as Huey
Calhoun, and he is matched every step of the way by Montnegro Grove, who is sensational, and the choreography of Serge Trujillo, who has clearly learned a few things from Michael Bennett--hell THIS is who should done "Promises, Promises," not our former Week Bitch, Rob Ashford!!!!!

Speaking of Michael Bennett, did you know Donna and Baayork are in town? They are going to be part of a reception honoring Bennett Monday evening at Dancers Over 40, and don't you know you want to be there. And if I were Rob Ashford or the 'Promieses' cast, I would get nervous, because I am certain Donna and Baayork are going to check the show out, and set everyone straight on what it SHOULD be. I would not be surprised if they just stepped into it one night next week, and, darling, you know I would love to be there for that. We shall see!!!!!!

I am feeling like Anita in "West Side Story" or the dancers in "A Chorus Line" because I have a big evening planned and like song says "I've come this far, but even so, it could be yes, it could be no...." The event takes place tomorrow at the Riviera Cafe, with its famous Bloody Marys, so if anything I will come out of this relaxed and feeling like Tallulah.

But today it my day off, so it is errands, book group, and trying to squeeze in a screening of "Metropolis" at the Film Fourm. In the meantime, girls, drink up for me, and keep your fingers crossed that I can soon fly from the land of carbon paper to that of flowered chintz!!!!

And don't forget to see "The Human Centipede" A laugh riot!

Cheers for Our Amy, and to you all, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!

FABULOUS COFFEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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