Thursday, May 6, 2010

Darlings, The Bitches Just Keep Coming To Us!!!!!!!!!!!

Before we get to discussing this week's winner for Bitch Of The Week, a few words about a recent one, Miss Linda Lavin. Though a supreme bitch, The Raving Queen congratulates her on her TONY nomination for the now Broadway production of Donald Margulies' "Collected Stories." Never mind Linda is nominated for a role that was originated by a far better actress than she (Uta Hagen, whom I saw in the part, darlings!), it shows both that bitches can still do excellent work, and even though we may hate them, we can honor them.

But let us get to our current winner, who is freshly minted. In fact, he sprung onto the Bitch Scene this morning. The winner of this week's Bitch Of The Week Award is--Florida minister George Alan Rekers.

First, we are not surprised he hails from Florida which probably has more bigots and homophobes per capita than any state in the union. Hell, I am surpised the Matthew Sheperd tragedy did not happen THERE. In the grand tradition of Larry Craig, Rekers is another anti-gay spouting closest case who has been caught with his pants down--in this case travelling to Europe, no less, with a companion he acquired from, which has nothing to do with social deportment, girls!!!! He CLAIMS the boy was hired to tote his baggage, when in fact we know what he was hired to do was STROKE it! And if you look at Rekers, it stands to reason he would have to pay--that bad hair and moustache--hell, the man is so ugly, with most likely a personality to match, that only a paid sex consort would give him action. You have to feel sorry for said consort; he must have had to close his eyes, conjure up pretty images, wash his mouth out, and all those other things sex professionals have to do when saddled with extremely unattractive clients.

Added to which it is found out that Rekers has ADOPTED a 16 year old boy. Hasn't he ever heard the exprssion "Sixteen will get you 20!" ? I guess not, and let me tell you I would like to know what the word "adoption" means in this case here. Are we talking Bruce Wayne, and his "young ward" Dick Grayson? Uh-huh, and we know all about THAT loves. Just like we always knew about Captain America and Bucky!!!!! However, Rekers is no super-hero! He is just a big old, tired, hypocritical closet queen who gets his kicks by being morally righteous while being sexually purient. He is not the first, and he won't be the last. I mean, look at all the straight, married businessmen in American suburbia. I am telling you, honey!!!!!!

So congratulations to George Alan Rekers for being chosen this week's Bitch Of The Week. Now he needs to own up to all the Bette Midler concerts he has been to, his collection of Madonna records, and his secret stash of fishnets and panties.

Believe me, I KNOW, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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