Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Darlings, Get That Photo To Grace Coddington At Once!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Before explaining that, girls, I have GOT to get something off my (ahem!) chest.
What is it with these people talking in the world at large on their cell phones???? I mean, the men and women, who walk down the street holding phone conversations SO personal they might as well be at home masturbating on their land lines. And then doing so during business transactions at cash registers, treating the person they are dealing with like some sort of faceless automaton!!!! Bitche!!!!! Who do these people think they are--ANNA??? Of course, we know everyone wants to be ANNA, darlings, but we also know there are only two people who are capable of this--MERYL STREEP and myself. And you don't see me cell phoning my way down streets and in stores????? Honey, these bitches wouldn't make the back entraance at Miss Porter's!!!!!!!!!!

Now, about Grace. On Saturday, a whole constellation of us trooped out to Coney Island for tha Annual Mermaid Parade. We took a stunning photo by the sea, which I think should go in VOGUE. And one of our party, Kris, spotted Grace on the subway, so she could slip it to her next time she sees her. But can you believe ANNA lets one of HER employees ride the subway????? Maybe Grace doesn't tell ANNA!
Maybe it is her little secret, a litte one upsmanship on Ms. Wintour. Honey, I am telling you, if ANNA finds out, look out! It will be like me in the morning without my coffee.

But what a whirlwind weekend--"Sondheim On Sondheim" Friday eve, with the exquisite Barbara Cook, the Parade Saturday, a birthday party and choir singing on Sunday--sweeties, how do I do it???? Of course, I am not playing tennis at 5am like ANNA, but even ANNA would be impressed by the weekend I put in!!!!! And now it is midweek and I have GOT to go shopping to Macy's for pants--maybe panties, maybe more. I am armed with gift certificates, so the sky is the limit. But I desperately need a pair of work pants, and my lovely and talented coutier is going with me not only to help me select the right merchandise, but to protect me from those Designer Voices. Girls, when I enter a clothing store, I hear the voices of the Designers saying "Michael, look what I have created, especially for you," and before you know it, I am walking out of there with an Yves Saint Laaurent or an Oscar De Le Renta. Sometimes even Christian Dior, darlings!!!!!!! So tonight I will be prorected from reckless spending from Designer Voices. We girls just love to shop, you know! But tonight I am shopping with a goal, not a desire. Beware of those desires, girls, because they need to be satisfied, and before you can say 'Streetcar', off you will go to the loony bin, like Blanche.

Have to get my rest and get on with my day, so I can get on that Streetcar tonight. I will let you know the results of my shopping excursion, girls!!!!!!!

Shop until you drop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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