Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Happy Birthday To Divinity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, girls, I am NOT talking about divinity fudge, although you know we love THAT, darlings!!!!!!!! I am talking about the Divinity that walks among us every day on this Earth, the world's greatest actress--MERYL STREEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, lambs, today is MERYL's birthday, and she turns 61. We should ALL look as good as MERYL at that age, but, of course, as we all know, the Divine Miss Streep is ageless! Sixteen Oscar nominations, two Oscars, a husband, four children, stage work, Yale, Vassar--how on Earth does she do it???? There is only one answer, my loves, she is MERYL!!!!!!!!!!!

Many have tried, but none have succeeded in matching the MERYL marathon of accomplishments. So on this day we wish MERYL and relaxation as she faces another year of the gorgeousness of being.....MERYL!!!!! And another year of continnuing to inspire us with her work, artistry, and personal integrity!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am feeling simply faint, darlings! But not too faint to know that at some point I will fall upon my knees on the ground today in deference to MERYL. Make sure you do the same, girls, and we will all have cake and ice cream afterwards!!!!!!!

Keep on truckin', MERYL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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