Monday, July 26, 2010

Darlings, Have We Discovered Some Hard Evidence!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

First of all, girls, what a weekend we had!!!!! The heat was stifling, and to think I had to work on Saturday and wear a girdle!!!!!!!!!! But Sunday made up for it, what with lolling around with the ever enchanting Monsieur Davide, and watching "Another Gay Movie," which, though not exactly Noel Coward, had its moments. But give me Hayley Mills ANY day, darlings.

Now, lambs, let me tell you about the disocvery I made. You remember those far flung, ever distancing days of that horror called High School. Remember how there was ONE GIRL, who dominated the IN GROUP, which everyone wanted to be a part of, but few seldom were. You can bet I should have been a part of it, and I am letting everyone on here know that. Hell, if I had had any sense back then--but how many of us do--I should have formed my own IN group!!!!!!!

Well darlings, in MY high school, the girl who set the tone for things was Roberta! Those nefarious twins, the Dykemans THOUGHT they ruled, but make no mistake, It was Roberta and Nedra who did, and we all knww it!!!!!!! Roberta lived on Lincoln Avenue, darlings, so we knew she came from the creme de la creme of society. Well, I did, too, living on the North Side, but because she lived in the right neighborhood, was Jewish (which counted for just about everything in Highland Park), and was STUNNING, with perfect hair, skin, etc., Roberta got everything in  high school that I was supposed to get--fawning attention from the teachers, membership in the National Honor Society, and social acceptance by all. But The Roberta Group would not, back then, so much as give me the time of day. Do you think I was ever invited to there? WELL...there was that time back in seventh grade, where she and Geri Sue Klein cooked up this fake invitation for Saturday night over at Roberta's house, which I was quick to accept, being I wanted to be accepted by them SO much, and at the same time suspecting I was being set up for some kind of humiliation. Even Aida Esterman tried to warn me; midweek she came up to me in the hall and said "Are you REALLY going over to Roberta's on Saturday?", the implication being I should not. As it turend out, both Roberta and GSK backed out at the last minute, which gives them some credit that they could not go through with hurting me that much.

But wait, Roberta had her moments. I can never forget one Monday in Mrs. Dubin's eighth grade French glass, when Roberta asked us all what we did over the weekend, then said, boastfully, "On Friday night, I went to see "Promiese, Promises!"
Can you believe she saw the Original Production with Donna and Baayork???? I am sure it sailed right over her head. Then there was the time in eighth grade English, when we were discussing movie adaptations of books, and Roberta piped in with her thoughts on the film version of Leon Uris' "Exodus" which she had read. Well, hell, so had I, but when I tried to join in, she froze up, and gave me this look, suggesting "What are YOU doing reading a book like THAT?"

An OF COURSE Roberta was voted into the National Honor Society, because she was perfection in the eyes of Mrs. Santamarina, who hated me, being that I was male, let alone gay, since she was a malevolent, homophobic bitch!!!!!!!!! She now pushes up daisies and is being roasted on a spittoon in HEll. Darlings, her meat is rancid!!!!!!!!!!!

What has this to do with today? Well, let me tell you in the now 37 years since I have graduated high school, we have had sevem reunmions, to which I have been to three. How many has Roberta, the Golden Girl, the Princess, been to??? Zero!!!!!!! Which makes one wonder why? The first quesation people ask at these events is, "Where's Roberta?" But she is not telling.

Then, over the weekend, I discovered a rather recent photo of Roberta, from 2008. Darlings, the hair is perfect, and I have to say she still looks stunning!!!!!!!!!!! But she clings to her husband, and she is clearly in her own world, and beyond the pall of us mortals. She is staying true to her creed, being accesssible, but denying social access except to those whom she deems worthy. After 37 years, clearly that is not me.

Not that I NEED to be, because, Darlings, if you read this blog, you know how FABULOUS and SOPHISTICATED my life is!!!!!!!! You know how happy I am with MONSIEUR DAVIDE!!!!!!!! But human nature is human nature, so one cannot helping wanting a bit of acknowledgement, acceptance, or appology for past misdeeds. Of course, dears, the last laugh is mine--does Roberta realize that by making herself so available on the Internet she is allowing those she may not want to see her to veiw her!!!!! In which case I have triumped over Roberta--HA!HA!! She just doesn't know it!!!!!!!!!!!

So find the Golden Girl of your days, girls, and see if things are as Golden as they were then! My guess would be yes--and no!!!!!!!!!!

Hope to see you soon, Roberta!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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