Saturday, July 24, 2010

Darlings, You Do Not Put On Part Two When You Have Not Seen Part One!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, this heat has me knowing how Elizabeth Taylor felt as Maggie in "Cat On A Hot Tin Roof," and why Blanche was gulping so many lemon cokes with crushed ice, and then had to be hauled away to the loony bin!!!!! Well, last eve, the stunning Monsieur Davide and I watched "The Two Mrs. Grenvilles," and it was very illuminating.

First, as one who is as pure as Miss Dorothy, and hails from the same social class, darling, I could relate to the world at hand. To think that Billy Grenville, Jr. married for pussy and not breeding, because Ann was a--gasp!--chorus girl at the Copa! I mean, she had not even gone to Miss Porter's!!!!!!!!! She certainly was no Princess Lee Radizwill!!!!!!!! But Ann thought she could glimb up the social ladder, but she found out that once the true heir was out of the way, that was it, kid!!!!! The nabe is not gonna take up for some showgirl doxy. Remember, this was in the days before Donna McKechnie and such elevated chorus dancers to the level of artistes; at the time of this story they were one step up from prostitutes!!!!!!!!!! Which you better believe I have never been, honey, and would not take up with such as un befitting MY social station, darlings!!!!!!!!!

Now, Monsieur Davide certainly meets all my social criteria, not to mention he is one hot...well, darlings, you know what I mean. But the poor thing gets confused sometimes, which is one reason why I am at hand. I also think, like all of us, the heat is getting to him--because when we finished watching, we discovered he had inserted Part 2 instead of Part One into the player!!!!! And Hell, I wanted MORE Claudette (Colbert) as Alice, because let me tell you, this self-controlled bitch with the creamy sweet voice had ice in her veins. You just GOTTA love her, girls!!!!!!!! Protecting her son and family to the end, even though he married trash, why sghe is like an upscale version of Mrs. Voorhees!!!!!!!!!! Up THIS, I always say!!!!!!!!!!!

Still, we had fun--a really nasty family drama!!!!!!!!!!! And those Grenville daughters; good thing they had money, because they all looked like Cinderella's Ugly Stepsisters!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But remember, girls, you cannot rise up the social scale if you are from the wrong class. So make sure your home is on the right side of the street, and the shcool you go to is socially accredited. As accredited as my social and love life, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Get your accreditation NOW, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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