Friday, July 9, 2010

Darlings, Why Don't They Bring Back "Mystery Date?"

Girls, back when some of us were SUPPOSED to be boys, when we began being victimized by all that heterosezist shit, in the mid 60s, Milton Bradley came out with a game called "Mystery Date." It was on a board, but it had a hosue door tht opened, behind which a date waited. Your Mystery Date could either be a "dream" or a "dud," thereby already teaching the girls who played the game that everything is based on looks, which we know now is not true. It is based on who is in good with ANNA!!!!!!!!

Some of us boys had olderr sisters, cousins, etc, who played this game, and of course we all wanted to. I was DYING to, darlings, but it just wasn't done back then. G.I. Joe was found more acceptable for us, and I could care less about him, until I discovered I could pull his clothes off, even his pants, and examine his fabulous male body. Of course I had no idea where this was leading, but at least I got pleasure our of GI Joe--though not what was expected!!!!!!

And now having reache an age where the unexpected bas become more, well, fashionable, I am making a plea for Milton Bradley to bring back "Mystery Date." And to update it to a Gay Male Edition, because the dates behind that door are going to look a lot more different than their straight 60s counterparts. Less clothes, for starters!!!! I mean, we want to see MORE, don't we, darlings????????????

Imagine a bunch of guys playing "Mystery Date." I am telling you, you have no idea what a bunch of bitches are out there until this happens. The competiton for the best game playing wardrobe, the accessories, the best centerpiece for the table on which the game is played, the most delectable snacks and drinks....darling it will be one big game of whom can outdo the other????? Plus fabulous packages hidden behind closed doors. The winner gets to take home one of the players, especially if that player is YOUR date, and I can tell lyou right now who I am taking home, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So forsake Colorforms,darlings, and let us hear it for the return of "Mystery Date." May all your dates be winning ones with less clothing!!!!!!!!!!

Watch out for those panties, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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