Monday, July 12, 2010

Girls, Who Would Imagine A Film About Lesbians Would Be The Summer's Most Exciting??????

Darlings, you remember the furor last summer when "Julie and Julia," with the Misses Streep and Adams, was the most anticipated cinematic event of the summer. Well, this year the accolades go to Nic and Jules, who are characters, not a film title, played by Annette Benning and Julianne Moore in "The Kids Aare All Right." Swweties, you know I am not one to get too excited about lesbians, after having so many fights with them (well, one in particular!) and then almost getting clobbered by a knife weiling one a few months back at Manatus. But with Annette Benning impoving her looks and acting with age--an exception there, lambs!--and Julianne Moore looking, well, Julianne Moore, these are two lesbians that will have every Netropolitan Area queen flocking to the theaters since the golden days of Audrey Hepburn and Shirley Maclaine. Only much more upbeat. And of course, for those Queens, darling, you throw in Mark (ruff ruff!) Rufflao, which will be the one ingredient that will keep these queens from wanting to be lesbains and stay the queeny queens they are!!!!! Have you seen it yet, darlings????? I simply cannot wait!!!!!! This film could do more for lesbians than Dykes On Bykes; in fact, it could undo the harm that staid organization does, which is to make us gay men TERRIFIED of those Man Hating Lesbians!!!!!! So let us rush out to the theaters and support our sisters Annette and Julianne!!!!! Who knows, maybe a movie with Jake and Ryan Gosling adopting a kid could follow!!!!!!! And you know we will ALL be there, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fly beyond that rainbow, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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