Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Girls, Do You Think Julianne Pours The Coffee??????

Darlings, I am telling you, "The Kids Are All Right" is causing all of us not only to re-evaluate lesbians but ourselves as well. Now, if I am the Julianne character, then I should NOT have to pour my coffee; that should be done by the handsome and virile Monsieur Davide, who, though such, may not look quite as butch in a tank top and hauling fertilizer bags as Annette Benning. But spending time at Monsieur Davide's is a Heaven sent opportunity, what with the heat and my tensions, which will be eased. Plus, I am having such fun reading "Audition" the novel. I am telling you, girls, that Asami is one sly piece. She knows her needlework, I can tell you!!!! And I can't even sew!

This morning we had our meeting and while Grotesque Creatures were there looking as GC as can be, they were kept at bay by others, though they dressed in army green like a fucking drill seargeant!!!!!!!! Of course what would you expect????????? At least I was dressed in my Ralph Lauren shirt and Docker Pants--designers all the wqy, loves!!!!!! I would not have it any other way--and neither would Anna!!!!!!!!

Now, girls rememeber the needlwork you were taught at Miss Porter's, who certainly was no Asami. Stitch and bitch, darlings, stich and bitch. And speaking of bitch, things are looking REAL good for Thursday. Make sure you stay tuned, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!

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